Friday, 7 November 2008

Linkables 7/11/8

Election-related links: Vote value by state, electoral cartograms and a pictorial presidential history.

A flickr pool: "Messages for Obama", as set up by Meg. (including one from me)

Collected customer stupidity at Not Always Right.

Charlie Brooker's usual calm and reasoned reaction to the Ross/Brand affair.

Inflation in Zimbabwe in pictures.

How real gamers play World of Warcraft.

Ugly souvenirs! Humorous roadsigns!

Enjoy your weekends :)

1 comment:

happylittlecynic said...

You just totally meant that I stayed at work for an extra half an hour on a Friday. Gah! Also, apparently I now use the phrase "you just totally meant that" in a way which doesn't really make sense...

God, I'm tired.

Also, thanks for the laughs :)