As promised this morning, these are the films I saw at the cinema in 2007 in approximately the order I saw them. I used this list to construct them, and the final set seems strangely small, so it's possible I have missed some out. Let me know if you spot any and I'll add them in.
The films are all listed as having had their UK cinema release in 2007, but two of them I technically saw on DVD. I tried to keep the comment under 25 words for each one, and think I pulled it off pretty well:
Rocky Balboa
I probably missed something through not having seen the other films, but this never felt exciting or interesting. 4/10
Blood Diamond
Leo is great and apart from a couple of silly action scenes, the whole thing hangs together well. 9/10
Hot Fuzz
Good but not great. Some funny moments, but loses something by having an accomplished protagonist. 6/10
The Illusionist
Entertaining story: more down-to-earth than the Prestige, but without the darkness of that film. 7/10
Brilliant comic-book epic. Allow yourself along for the ride and it's exhilarating stuff. 9/10
Blades Of Glory
Sub-par Ferrell vehicle. Some good jokes, but I just didn't care about any of the characters. 4/10
Wahlberg is great, and the first hour is slick and exciting. Then Danny Glover comes along. 3/10
This Is England
Dark and gritty - Stephen Graham is brilliant and its an interesting take on the issues involved. 8/10
Spider-Man 3
Disappointingly unfocused. Doesn't know whether it's trying to be slapstick or dark.
Great visuals, but I just don't care about wise-cracking robots falling over. 4/10
Conversations With Other Women
Funny and touching. Very original presentation pulled off well. A nice package that doesn't stretch itself. 8/10
Distressingly unfunny. They can do so much better and it hurts to see them fail. 3/10
Great moody and oppressive thriller. Lags towards the end, but just about keeps us interested. 8/10
Pirates Of The Caribbean 3: At World's End
Depp is great. Most of the rest is forgettable. Too much random mythology pulled out of nowhere. 5/10
Shrek The Third
Terrible in comparison to its forebears. Has some funny moments, but no focus. 4/10
Die Hard 4.0
Enjoyable in a brain-switched-off kind of way. Less about the personalities and more about the effects, which is a pity. 5/10
Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix
Meh. 5/10
The Simpsons Movie
Very funny. Expansive storyline and the return of Hank Scorpio (in all but name). 8/10
The Bourne Ultimatum
Fantastically taut thriller. Great set-pieces and manages to stay the right side of believeable. Just. 9/10
Knocked Up
Funny, and at least tries to do more than just feed the audience one liners. 7/10
Great acting and a very moving story thoroughly well told. 9/10
Run, Fat Boy, Run
Sappy and stupid. Has one funny scene, and spends the rest of the time firmly on the rom-com-rails. 3/10
Michael Clayton
Great thriller. George Clooney and Tom Wilkinson are excellent and the script manages to guide us easily through a complex story. 9/10
Day Watch (Dnevnoi Dozor)
Exciting and strange. Made me want to read the books. 7/10
The Counterfeiters
Slow, but with a great script. Makes you question whether you could do the right thing. 8/10
Dark story with twists that come together really well. Makes you question whether you could do the right thing. 8/10
Lions For Lambs
Slow moving but rewarding. Glossy rather than passionate. Makes you question whether there even is a right thing to do. 8/10
American Gangster
Interesting biopic with great action scenes. Ending feels rushed, but lead performances are great. 8/10
Rescue Dawn
Let down by poor special effects and cringeworthy ending, but the whole middle section is brilliantly done. 7/10
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Very slow, but builds tension brilliantly. Affleck almost outshines Pitt, and the attention to detail sells it. 9/10
We Own The Night
Good in patches, but loses its way. There's a dark, interesting film there somewhere, but it's not on the screen. 6/10
I am Legend
Not an awful premise, but neither psychological nor horrifying, and hence not really interesting or exciting. 6/10
And, for completeness, the ones I wanted to see but never got around to:
Apocalypto, The Last King Of Scotland, The Pursuit of Happyness, Smokin' Aces, Babel, The Good Shepherd, Letters From Iwo Jima, The Number 23, Amazing Grace, Sunshine, Alpha Dog,
Fracture, Fast Food Nation, 28 Weeks Later, Ocean's Thirteen, Seraphim Falls, Breach, 3:10 To Yuma, Shoot 'Em Up, The Brave One, Control, The Kingdom, Stardust, Eastern Promises, Sicko, The Lookout, Bug, Into The Wild, The Darjeeling Limited, Sleuth, The Golden Compass, The Killing of John Lennon, Youth Without Youth.
And one that failed to come out altogether:
(But that's a rant for another day...)
CodeSOD: Wrap Up Your Date
21 hours ago
very nice and concise list there.
I may have to do my own version, however that could turn this blog into a big film rating fest, which isn't necessarily a bad thing per say (I really don't know if that's how you spell that phrase).
Go for it - no reason why I should be the monopoliz0r of the film reviews. I do intend to do some longer ones of individual films at some point too, but my brain was tired last night, so I took the easy option.
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