It's frustrating that the point of this blog is being so ironically compromised. When I was writing a blog on my own, it was difficult to motivate myself to post on a semi-regular basis, and I was glad that I felt more motivated about posting here when there was more than just my own content going up. However, no one other than me has posted since the end of October, and despite forcing myself to write some fairly extended pieces (and pieces that I'm on the whole pretty happy with), I can feel myself slipping back into my old habits and looking at the 'create post' page as a duty rather than a creative outlet.
I understand that people are busy, and this is not a rant against my fellow posters here (yet), just an update on how I feel things are going.
On a more flash-based, and less angsty note, many many addictive games (with leaderboards and secrets and awards and all that other jazz that is much more fun than actual work).
CodeSOD: Wrap Up Your Date
21 hours ago
Sorry dude. I actually have a couple of things I want to write entries about, but November has been such a hectic month (with December looking much the same) that any spare time I've had has been precious. Sad to say that blogging hasn't been on the top of my "to do" list. I have checked here daily pretty much to see what's been written and have read your entries with gusto and also guilt that I haven't written anything for so long. It's also a shame that the other two haven't yet made their inaugural posts. I'm intending to go to bed in the next 20 minutes or so, but if the mood takes me I might make a quick post tonight whilst the idea's fresh in my mind.
If you fancy allowing an incredible loser to post on this blog then I'm your incredible loser.
I'm not sure what I'd bring to the Bloging table to be honest, so I'm quite happy to hear "NO! leave us alone and go play with your own blog!" to which I'll probably reply "fine, I will!" and go post some completely nonsensical drivel that no one will ever bother reading.
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