I've been kinda busy for a couple of days, so haven't posted anything. Which is not to say I haven't wanted to - leaving the new boy out on his own like we have is kinda cruel, but he's doing a fine job so far.
I thought, in lieu of a longer, more rambling, more interesting, post, I'd briefly put down the highlights of the last week or so of my del.icio.us links:
This is funny, and nicely context-free.
This is very sad news, though taken very well by him.
This is pretty interesting, and should probably be taken with a pinch of salt.
This is some awesome-stylish art.
This is a great web-security article. Pretty long, though.
I want to do an article about user generated content at some point, and start doing some movie reviews. But not now. For now, I must go to the quiz. Wish me luck.
CodeSOD: Wrap Up Your Date
20 hours ago
Those paper sculptures are incredible, good find.
Can't take too much credit for the link, since I stolz0red it from here:
Also, you guys suck at wishing luck - we came last in the quiz :(
yeah I stopped reading at the "must go to the quiz" bit, so missed the whole need to wish you luck, anyway I don't believe in luck (what's it ever done for me?)
Remember that time a roof tile fell on your head?
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