Google, breaking new ground in targeted advertising, and, via POTW, a heartening story.
Via iSpy, an awesome video mashup:
And a couple of awesome cool image blogs:
Photoshop Disasters, a record of publicity images that were not given enough of a once-over before being let out into the world. I particularly like this one.
Strange Maps, a really niche set of images, but made far more accessible by the text accompanying each map, that explains the context and history of the map, putting it into a much more interesting light for those of us who may not be up-to-date with our cartography. A good example.
CodeSOD: Wrap Up Your Date
21 hours ago
Heartening (PUN-TASTIC) story was actually pretty cool, made me think that I should be a little less aggressive towards scally types.
my favourite image is this one. you can never go wrong with a mutant gall.
I'm a little confused as to what the batman circle around the shoulders is referring to, but the reflection is classic.
I think the circle is to point out that he's staring directly at the frame, rather than out of the middle of a window.
The discussion link at the bottom of the batman post has some interesting arguments as to how to achieve the reflective effect.
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