Friday 15 August 2008

Superhero Circle 6

As promised, one week on, another Superest-style doodle collection. Original is here, and the rest are listed here.

The Russian Army: Big or small, guilty or innocent, right or wrong, doesn't matter. It'll fuck you up...

beaten by

The Scales of Justice: Lets you know when you're bang out of line.

beaten by

Unbalanced Fishwife: Built like a weightlifter and carrying a de-scaler.

beaten by

Misogynistic Icthyosaur: Puts women in their place, so it can never be caught and scaled.

beaten by

Feminist Comet: If you can't stop them objectifying you, wipe them from the face of the earth.

beaten by

McCririck-zilla: Comets and women's rights bounce right off his scaly, sexist hide.

beaten by

200ft Germaine Greer: Disapproves of phallic skyscrapers.

beaten by

Military tAtu: High-powered weapons, highly-charged lesbian sexuality.

Not sure there'll be another one for a while, but we'll see.

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