It's bad form doing so many links posts, I know, but work is draining all the inspiration from me at the moment. Any creativity has left me by the time 5:30 rolls around, and all that remains is the ability to copy and paste hyperlinks. Pity me if you must, but follow these few links too:
First an article on a percieved backlash against feminism from the Guardian. I want to do a couple of posts on feminism-related stuff, but it requires an unclouded mind to talk about that kind of thing without getting my privileged white, middle class, male ass handed to me by more experienced (and more female) debaters, so it'll have to wait.
Two almost poetic links via Post of the Week: the personal i am most beautiful when no one is looking, and the police-related Treading Water.
And finally, don't go to Canada, or you might end up covered in beeeeeeees.
CodeSOD: Wrap Up Your Date
21 hours ago
Have I handed you your white, middle-class, male privileged ass to you on a plate thus far? I would say not.
Get on with it boy, I want to hear your borderline enraging comments ;P
"Get on with it boy" - Yeah, I'm the one who's not posting enough on this blog...
Not on feminism certainly.
And I'm still posting more than a third of the other writers for this thing.
Martin doesn't count as a writer till he writes something.
And the fact that Joe has posted anything at all is some sort of minor miracle. He was probably doing it one handed while rescuing a starving kitten with the other, and playing the bongos for a local band of underprivileged children with his feet.
You may as well say you've posted more than most of the population of the world. You have, but the starving children of Africa are not really competing with you.
Unfortunately, my initial reply to this comment is not adequately reproducible in a written format.
But needless to say I disagree. Martin is listed as a contributor and has at least written in some of comment threads. He is a writer, just not a very good one. And excusing Joe on the grounds of beneficent busy-ness is hardly fair. It's not like I'm not horrendously busy when I'm not at work...
Seeing as the starving children of Africa aren't registered to write on this blog, obviously I'm not competing with them because they couldn't author posts even if they wanted to. Joe and Martin both have this capability, they don't exercise it. I do. And currently, I'm beating both their sorry arses.
"they couldn't author posts even if they wanted to".
And nor could Joe or Martin because they're so busy.
"And currently, I'm beating both their sorry arses."
I'm certain they're both devastated.
Oi! How do you know I'm not a good writer? Have you ever read any of my work??
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