Hallowe'en approaches, the nights grow cold and darkness begins to cloak the land. I get tempted to watch Gremlins again (I know it's set at Christmas, but it always felt like more of a Hallowe'en film to me). And what better Hallowe'en/Gremlins crossover can there be than lovable Gizmo carved into the side of a pumpkin? I am seriously tempted to try this - despite not having carved a pumpkin since I was about twelve and being very doubtful that my abilities will have improved in the intervening years!
And, as if that weren't enough, there's a whole website filled with hundreds of pumpkin carving designs! The obscure niches of the internet never fail to amaze me.
Blogathon score: N/A - I fell at the first hurdle. Still, I've doubled my personal post count, which must count for something. Right?
CodeSOD: Wrap Up Your Date
20 hours ago
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