After a weekend with my significant other, I'm pleased to point you in the direction of the following:
This first song has such a ridiculously happy-sounding backing track that it makes me want to go and hug a balloon, though that was before I listened to the lyrics... :S
Sadly this next one does not allow you to embed the vid, but follow the link and watch... it's hilarious in a cute fuzzy way. It's the video to Hoppipolla by Sigur Ros. The group are from Iceland and apparently "Hoppipolla" translates roughly as "puddle-jumping". But I hope I'm as cool as these old-timers when I reach that age.
And lastly, mad props to Natalie Imbruglia (and the mime guy, obviously):
And just to say, I'm afraid I might be betting RSI in my left arm and seeing as my job consists of a lot of sitting at computers all the time, this may be the last you hear from me for a while. Sowwy.
CodeSOD: Wrap Up Your Date
21 hours ago
Wicked stuff! First off though, who's the first song by?
Secondly, massive kudos to umbruglyug! (Umbruglyug is of course NB, who was renamed by a few of us while we were trying to name a tent, long story.)
And thirdly, Sigur Ros are great, though hoppipola is pretty much the poppiest thing they've ever produced, and interestingly enough was released very shortly after signing with EMI (hmm.)
I would thoroughly recommend them to anyone though, I've seen them live twice (once pre EMI and once post) and they were stunning both times, if you get the chance to go take it! They also recently released a stunning feature film / documentary type thing, called Heima, featuring some great photography, some mind blowing music and a really brilliant sense of the communities of Iceland, if anyone wants to borrow it give me a shout!
umbruglyug ftw! Tent's rule. We may end up naming more stuff with stupid names soon, hurrah.
Errr... that's all I have to say really. Nice vids
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